A business or an individual may declare bankruptcy once they have ascertained that it has become impossible to pay off one's creditors. It can give you a chance to start over from a financial point of view, as most debts are relieved after bankruptcy has been filed.
Filing for bankruptcy protection can stop collection harassment and lawsuits. In many cases, you can also stop foreclosure of a home or repossession of a vehicle.
Steven T. Polino can assist in the following options available.
Consumer Credit
Chapter 7 – Individual Liquidation
Chapter 13 – Individuals With Steady Income
Start Paying Back Your Debt With the Help of the Law Office of Steven T. Polino, P.L.L.C.
To schedule a free consultation, please call the Law Office of Steven T. Polino, P.L.L.C. today!
Health Plans & Benefits
Steven T. Polino is the former Vice President of Operations, President and Chairman of the Board of the Self-Insurance Institute of America, INC.

- ERISA Challenges to Stop Loss Assessments: An Uphill Battle - The Self Insurer / May 2004
- ERISA Presumption of Bad Faith Claims Post Rush Prudential HMO v. Moran: What Does the Future Hold? - The Self Insurer / January 2003
- Excess v. Primary Coverage and the Duty to Defend: A Comparison of the Law of Two States - The Self Insurer / November 2003
- Failure to Disclose Knowledge of Reinsurers - Financial Problems: A Roadmap to Breach of Fiduciary Duty - The Self Insurer / March 2003
- Fifth Circuit Panel Reverses Course in its Classification of the Character of Medical - Necessity Determinations - The Self Insurer / November 2002
- Insurer Liability: Continued Erosion of Erisa Preemption - The Self Insurer / September 2003
- Kentucky’s AWP Status Upheld by Supreme Court - The Self Insurer / May 2003
- Mixed Eligibility and Treatment Decision - Analysis
- Providers and Plans: Recent Decisions Favor Expanding Rights to Payment and Reimbursement - The Self Insurer / July 2003
- Quality Care and Utilization Review
- SIIA - Liability in Utilization Review and Case Management

Family Law Family Law Matters & Modifications
Civil Litigation
Steven T. Polino has established himself as a leader in the following areas of litigation to name a few.
Steven T. Polino is ready to assist you with immediate advice and guidance. All initial consultations are free and will remain completely confidential.
Criminal Litigation
Steven T. Polino has established himself as a leader in the following litigation:
Steven T. Polino is ready to assist you with immediate advice and guidance. All initial consultations are free and will remain completely confidential.